Thursday 2 August 2007

The Poliblogs 2nd August 2007

Should Gordon Brown call a snap general election?

Should Gordon Brown call a snap general election for this autumn? There’s certainly plenty of speculation at Westminster to that effect right now.

On the face of it, it might prove a smart move. The ‘Brown bounce’ sees the new prime minister around six points ahead of the Tories in the polls. That’s quite a pay-off simply for not being Tony Blair.

Dave’s Part

Brown's guessing game

There are signs that Britain's new prime minister may call a snap general election in the autumn. But he could just be teasing.

David Hencke

The great election conundrum

I've left a few comments here and there on other people's blogs with regard to the ongoing debate over whether Gordon Brown will call a snap autumn election, but not so far specifically blogged on it myself.

So what's my view? Well, at the risk of making an almighty arse of myself if El Gordo announces he's going to the country tomorrow, I don't think an election this year is in any way likely, for two main reasons.

Paul Linford

Election speculating

So what do you reckon? Do you think that Gordon Brown will call a UK General Election in the autumn, perhaps in October?

I only ask because of a certain twitchiness in the body politic which is displaying unwarranted signs of life for these dog days of August. Today, for example, we learn that the SNP are accelerating their candidate selection process, in order to be ready.

Blether with Brian

The revolution enters a new phase

Philip Gould's memo laying out what Gordon Brown needs to do to win an early election makes for fascinating reading. Especially notable is Gould’s belief that elections can’t be won on ‘schools n’ hospitals’ or ‘investment versus Tory cuts’ any more. He writes that:

Coffee House

Early Election?

With Labour having a reasonable lead in the opinion polls recently it is hardly surprising that speculation has increased on the prospect of an early election.

Labour Home?

Congested railways

The government’s statement last week on the railways was Groundhog Day. It was deja vue all over again. I have lost count of how many times Crossrail and Thameslink have been announced. The funding for Crossrail remains delayed owing to the late arrival of the incoming banknotes. Crossrail is an expensive way of increasing capacity.

The main problem with the railways is lack of capacity. On that government and opposition are now agreed.

John Redwood

87% of members want David Cameron to remain leader

The latest survey of Tory members suggests that there is very little support for those maverick MPs who want to change the party leader. Given four options, 87% of members chose an option which would see David Cameron continuing as leader. Only 8% thought David Cameron should resign or be challenged.

Conservative Home

You've Paid For It

The latest f*ck-up in the NHS, I mean. Full details here, but I would just like to highlight a few things. Firstly:

Devil’s Kitchen

How the bloggers are making politics more febrile, more fun - and more challenging

I have a confession to make about a relatively new habit. I do it at least three times a day. Such is the relentless pull that I shall be indulging at least once as I write this column. For the moment the addiction is not especially harmful to me, but might be to others, especially leaders seeking to get a grip on their parties.

Steve Richards – The Independent

Steve Richards on political blogging

Steve Richards has written a rather glowing and complimentary piece in this morning's Independent about blogs. Interestingly he notes that he tends to find himself reading right wing blogs more than anything else and goes on to say,

Probably part of the reason for the blogging hyperactivity on the right is the current turmoil in the Conservative Party. When a party seeks a new sense of direction after three election defeats there is scope for endless debate, heightened by fleeting moments of fuming anger and joyful euphoria.

Dizzy Thinks

EXCLUSIVE Ali Miraj : Labour Did Approach Me to Defect

Guido spoke at length with Ali Miraj last night and learnt that there was, as widely rumoured, an approach from a Labour party intermediary and that he turned down the approach. He told Guido that he did not take it that seriously and he would never defect.

Guido Fawkes

Why Europe may soon split along religious lines

It’s a truism with EU documents that the devil is in the detail, but truisms are called that because they are, well, true. And few people seem to have realised the profound importance of footnote 18 to the proposed draft wording for a replacement of Article 6 on fundamental rights.

Stephen Pollard

Swifter than eagles. And stolen

First there was shock. Then there was grief. Then rage. There was a moment of shock when I rounded the corner the other night because, no matter how often it has happened to you, it is always a gulp-making thing to look at the railings where you left your bike, and see that for the seventh time in as many years some cowardly little fiend has used a combination of violence and ingenuity to steal it.

Boris Johnson

The challenge for Boris

There is both a must-read and a must-hear on the Boris for London front this morning. First the must-read, Matthew Parris's column in this week's magazine on what Boris needs to do to win. His thoughts on how Boris could prove that he’ll put city above party are particularly smart. While the must-hear is Ken talking about his likely challenger on The Today Programme.

Coffee House

Bloggers should Scrutinise UK Government Written Statements

Amidst all the news about the floods and the new Prime Ministerial initiatives by Gordon Brown, last week more than 100 UK Government “Written Parliamentary Statements” were released in the 2 or 3 days before Parliament closed for the summer 10 week break.

The Wardman Wire

1 comment:

CityUnslicker said...

just found this blog, brilliant. i had this idea too and not hte timet o do it; wish you well.