Thursday 30 August 2007

The Poliblogs 30th August 2007

My Two Cents...on the prison officers' strike

Today Britain’s prison officers are staging what they are calling “an unofficial strike”. In fact it is an illegal strike. Less than half the members of the Prison Officers Association voted for strike action but they have walked out, leaving prisoners locked in their cells all day long.

Blaney’s Barney

History's hooligans

Apparently, young people are responsible for anarchy in the UK. But how different are they really from the yobs of the past?

Alastair Harper

Young Thugs

Look at the list of acts deemed to be anti-social, and you will see a dizzying range, including many things that you and I would classify as crimes - straightforward crimes. Joy-riding, raiding cars, taking drugs, smashing phone boxes: why are these lumped in with playing loud music or failing to curb the dog or playing games of football in inappropriate areas? Why do we need to call the police every time we see someone swearing loudly or scratching graffiti? The answer is simple. We call the police, because disapproval no longer works, and for very good reasons we have mainly lost the confidence to intervene ourselves.

Boris Johnson

Cameron’s intelligence crisis - part 1

This is the first of a series of posts over the next few days in which Ill be dismantling the Tory’s ‘mini manifesto’ on Law and Order, piece by piece, starting with its specific proposals and then finishing up with the proposed ‘Social Covenant’.

So lets kick things off with Cam’s plans for the future of Police stop and search powers.

Ministry of Truth

Goldsmith-Gummer report is headed for the recycling bin

I have a bit of good news for James (and Iain Dale). Zac won’t be listened to. I understand that of the six policy review groups, the favourites of the Cameroon leadership are the social justice and competitiveness report (by IDS and John Redwood respectively). The others are not considered to have much meat in them – and lots of gunk which will be discreetly spat out.

Coffee House

Strong Cameron on Newsnight

This could just be the effects of holiday-lag on my first full day back, but I thought David Cameron looked strong and in control during his appearance on Newsnight tonight (helpfully previewed on News 24 earlier).

Ben Brogan

Last night's Newsnight Special with David Cameron

being interviewed four-to-one by Gavin Esler, Michael Crick, Stephanie Flanders and, who was the fourth one? Oh yes, Mark Urban, was an underwhelming experience all round. Gavin Esler was typically tedious as he repeatedly tried to put the word 'swamping' into Cameron's mouth when discussing the record high levels of immigration, legal and illegal, into the UK over the last ten years.

Biased BBC

Cameron triangulates Labour on immigration

Lots of people are talking about the 45-minute interview with David Cameron on Newsnight which can be watched here. I watched it yesterday and I was quite impressed with the way he handled himself, and when Stephanie Flanders asked him about the married tax allowance thing his response was well handled.

Dizzy Thinks

Cameron on Newsnight : The farce of the Conservative part-time shadow cabinet exposed

David Cameron was showing his gift of the gab at its most elegant. However, each of the four journalists hit home with individual points which, although Cameron gave a smooth line of defence in each case, actually exposed serious weaknesses in his position.

Liberal Burblings

Can Cameron hold onto the centre-ground while talking about immigration?

Has Cameron done enough to ditch the Tory's 'nasty party' image that he can talk about core-vote issues without it scaring away the centrist voters?

Labour Home

When are Gord and Dave going to face Paxo?

Judging by the comments thread here last night most people thought that the Tory leader performed reasonably well in the first big set piece of the new political year - a long interview on Newsnight. He seems to have adjusted his style to reflect the new more sombre mood created by Gordon Brown and is looking a lot more formal.

Political Betting

David Cameron is indicating right but this is no lurch back to 2005

As I said on this morning's Today programme (at 7.13am if you want to listen), there has most certainly been a rebalancing of the Cameron project in recent days. The Conservative leadership has started talking again about all of the core vote issues - crime (particularly), immigration, Europe and (to a lesser extent) tax. The 'politics of and' that this website has long recommended - and was opposed by Oliver Letwin in a party conference fringe debate with me last October - is, for now, the organising principle.

Conservative Home

It is rocket science

Each year, it gets harder to keep up with developments in physics, chemistry and biology, so we won't get better scientists by setting easier GCSEs.

Tim Radford

Political parties – good or bad?

…. or why mavericks – even odious ones – make good MPs and bad mayors.

If one thing illustrates the potential benefits as well as the hazards of having strong political parties, it’s this whole Ken v Boris thing. It certainly illustrates the wrong-headedness of the concept of strong political mayors.

Never Trust a Hippy

The start of the Ministry of Justice's downfall?

It may not have been around for long but sadly the downfall of the Justice Department in the public's mind can start to be seen. Whilst it did not receive perhaps the coverage that it deserved, the release of a large number of prisoners in the first few days of Brown's Premiership signalled the start of the problems and today's strike action adds to the issues which surround public safely and law and order in the UK.


Brown and the Union Movement

The prime minister said he would "do nothing to put" economic stability or low interest rates at risk.

This is now the biggest test for Brown since taking the premiership. The Prime Minister will know what happened to Jim Callaghan's administration in 1979. Unions have the potential to break a government.

The Liberal Republican

Should we have an extra bank holiday (British national day) in November?

The influential think tank ippr is suggesting that Gordon Brown establish a British national day as an extra bank holiday on the Monday immediately after Remembrance Sunday in November.

Labour Home

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