Nine months to force a referendum
William Hague, according to The Daily Mail is warning that once MPs return from Parliament's summer recess they will have only nine working days to debate the treaty before it is signed off by Brown in October.
Tory policy crisis
Blogging will be light today, but word in that there is some trouble brewing with the Tory policy commission on economic competitiveness.
The author, John Redwood, is seen as an enormous liability, and publication has been pushed back from next week to September.
Gordon's Election Wind-Up
He's at it again. Gordon Brown is winding up the Conservatives once more about calling a snap election, this time by appointing another Labour Party election supremo.
Inconsistent messages - date of next General Election
Am I alone in wondering how the Gordon Brown constitutional reform debate can be squared with increasing speculation of an 'early' General Election?
One-Trick Brown
Ask yourself, would Blair have come back from his summer holiday in
Mark Oaten: Abolish all the prisons
Mark Oaten is back in the news thanks to his taking part in the BBC Radio 4 programme Hecklers. The first broadcast was at 8 p.m. this evening, but you can catch the repeat at 10.15 p.m. on Saturday 11 August.
The idea of Hecklers is that someone puts forward an unpopular argument in front of a live audience. According to the BBC website, Oaten's case is that we should demolish all our prisons and replace them with education and training centres, mental health facilities and drug rehabilitation units.
SNP demands for 9% of Broadcasting budget will cause a backlash
The SNP wants 9% of the BBC's budget to be spent in
Is Chris Grayling the man to restore Tory fortunes?
Go into Google, type in “Chris Grayling MP”, click on the “news” search button and the above is what you get. A whole series of references to attacks that he has made on the government which might not be commanding the big headlines at the moment but, I am told, are starting to irritate the Labour hierarchy.
For the 46 year old Epsom MP and shadow work and pension secretary is fast developing a reputation for digging out the stories where the government is weak and then going for it. For if anybody on the Tory front bench is going to inflict damage then it will be Grayling.
High Court finds against Electoral Commission
The High Court has found partially in favour of UKIP and against the Electoral Commission in UKIP’s appeal against the Electoral Commission’s ruling that it should hand over a £367k donation to the Treasury.
The EU Treaty.
Kate Eames ponders "Who's afraid of the public making an informed choice?" in relation to the EU.
The government doesn't want the public to believe the opponents of the new EU treaty or anyone who thinks a referendum is necessary. This treaty is vitally different, they tell us, because it is not a 'Constitution' and all mention of such a status has been removed. The symbolism has gone but the body remains.
Hidden Costs of 2012: Construction Inflation to Cost £4 billion
The TaxPayers' Alliance 2012 Watchdog is publishing new research showing how the 2012 Olympics will add almost £4 billion to construction inflation in
Fair games
To date,
Boris is just a symptom
It's not just Boris Johnson who will have a job persuading ethnic minority voters to back him. David Cameron has his work cut out.
Boris is best for
Ignore the anti-Johnson agitprop. He is a shrewd man, and would make a better mayor than Ken
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