Sunday 25 November 2007

New Blogs Added

I have added a few more blogs to my Daily Round-up over the past couple of weeks:

Tony Blair - an ultra Blairite writes about why we are worse off for losing Blair as our PM.

Miss Wagstaff - an excellent blog looking at the politics of Wales.

Metrix - is an interesting blog made up of a defence and eductaion consortium. Given the troubles at the MoD, this could be one to watch over the coming weeks.

The Office of Tony Blair- Blair's new online presence covers his work as the Middle East Envoy.


Miss Wagstaff said...

Very kind of you to gve me a mention. I'll also thank you on behalf of Tony Blair just in case he forgets to.

Anonymous said...

And ditto, from me.

It's a thankless job, I suppose being a Blair Supporter today. But someone has to do it!

Thanks for the mention at your site.

Oh, and I've started another blog as well as the one you mention - just in case. The way things are looking for his successor, you never know!