Hypocrisy wins
The picture on the left is the face of a cheat.
I'm outraged by the triumphant reaction to drug cheat Christine Ohuruogu's win. She should never have been allowed to compete in the first place.
Yes, First Minister
You know, there is an aspect of the new SNP administration to which insufficient attention has been paid. That is the role of the civil service.
From the very moment of his election as First Minister, Alex Salmond was adopted by the civil service. Greeted at the door of Queensberry House, he appeared to me to be palpably purring, just like the Executive car which whisked him up the hill to St Andrews House.
What did David Blunkett mean?
The Government response to David Blunkett's "must try harder" message on the EU constitution reform treaty is intriguing.
Tory members are unpersuaded by arguments for green taxation
In the most recent ConservativeHome survey we asked which tax you would like to be cut first. You chose inheritance tax but income tax wasn't far behind:
Talkin' tough, doing something
Gun and gang crime presents us all with a stark choice: we can talk tough or we can act brave.
My Two Cents...on welfare reform
One in five homes in
Some Cheer For Cameron?
David Cameron hasn't had a bad first few days of the new season. On monday the Guardian opinion poll shoed that Labour's lead is dropping (though still a healthy 5%. On tuesday his Crime press conference of earned front page splashes in both the Daily Telegraph and the Daily Mail. From Wednesday overnight reviews by right-inclined commentators of his 4-against-1 BBC Newsnight interview are also predominantly that 'the boy done good'.
Labour’s YouGov lead down a touch to 8%
In the first of four major polling surveys that we will see in the next few days the internet pollster, YouGov, for the Daily Telegraph has the following shares with the changes on its last poll almost three weeks ago CON 33% (+1): LAB 41% (-1): LD 14% (nc). So the Tories will be a touch relieved that like ICM on Monday YouGov is showing a reduction in the Labour lead. Even so an 8% margin is a massive gap and would suggest a near landslide Labour victory if this was to be repeated in a general election.
BAA; More trouble ahead.
I have mentioned BAA recently, along with British Airways, as companies in difficult straits. The BBC reports today that BAA is now to shed 2000 odd staff.
It is well known in the industry that BAA has much corporate fat to lose.
Theresa May MP: Back to business - and with the bit between our teeth
And the Conservative Party is getting back to business with the bit between our teeth. Throughout the summer, the Party’s policy commissions have been reporting, and the remaining reports are due soon. The commissions have brought fresh thinking to tough public policy questions on social justice, economic competitiveness, fighting global poverty, and security. Of course, not all of their proposals will end up as party policy, but the commissions have played an enormous role in the revitalisation of the Party’s generation of ideas.
Is this why Dave is going to find it hard to win?
One of the features that I focus on when the detailed data from ICM and CR polls comes out is how votes are churning between the parties. Both firms ask how respondents voted last time and both present their data in a way that gives some clues.
The latest data from this week’s survey for the Guardian has some encouraging short-term news for the Tories but does raise the question about whether there is any chance at all of them being able to win.
To give him his due, David Cameron has been consistent in his calls for an EU referendum and, although his own profile on the issue could have been higher, the visibility of the Party has been quite high.
Arguably, therefore, if the referendum was a burning concern with the electorate, one might have thought that it would be reflected in the opinion polls, in increasing support for the Tories.
Diverging agendas?
No matter what Gordon Brown may say, the main reason for keeping British troops in
Dave's game
On Newsnight, David Cameron looked sufficiently in command of the situation to be a plausible contender when election time comes.
Redwood Warns Gummer over Policy Report
In an interview with the Sunday programme on GMTV John Redwood has warned John Gummer and Zac Goldsmith that “they need to steer a very careful course” when drawing up proposals for environmental policy in their Quality of Life Policy Report. He has also entered the debate about green taxes and airport expansion..
Economist praises Clegg’s “impressive” immigration proposals
Earlier in the week, Nick Clegg, the Lib Dems’ shadow home secretary, set out in The Observer his thinking on what a liberal immigration policy should look like. In particular, he tackled head-on the issue of what to do about the estimated 600,000 immigrants living illegally in the
My opinion is that I am not expressing an opinion
This whole blogging lark is funny when you've nailed your flag to a particular poll of political isn't it? Today there is a YouGov polls showing a eight point lead to Labour (and there was another two days ago that had it as five points). So how do I write about it?
Thanks for featuring ConservativeHome so much!
No problem - thanks for providing the stories!
I am going to do a piece in the coming weeks about the different parties and their representation in the blogosphere.
I think each party does particular things very well, but ConHome is, at present, leagues ahead of rivals such as Labour Home. I would like to see LabourHome take on more of an approach ConHome have, getting MPs and top party members to give the brilliant insight and opinion pieces you do.
Though I do like the more open blog approach LabHome take too... I'll leave this for a full post I think!
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